*I’m sharing #SwissHerbs in my life as part of a #Ricola sponsored series for Socialstars™.
The end is almost here. I’m not talking about the apocalypse, but to a stay-at-home mom… it’s basically just as impending – just not in a “doom” sort of way. The end of Summer. It’s as joyous for me as the beginning of Summer. At the beginning you’re so excited to spend some extra time with your family whether it be in the day-to-day or that much anticipated vacation. Around mid-July the joy has dulled and you start that “back-to-school” countdown on your calendar.
I’m a stay-at-home mom, but because I’m a full-time blogger I’m also a work-from-home mom. The balance was a struggle this Summer. I’m that person that makes a to-do list every single day, but that puts way too many “to-do’s” on the list. My daily list should basically be someone’s weekly list. At the end of the day it’s disheartening to see that you only completed 3 tasks out of 15.
Throughout the past few months I’ve had to change a few things and learn to juggle my list in a new way. Which, quite honestly, needed done anyway .. the kids being home just forced me to actually do it.
At the beginning of the week make your “Master List”. This list should compile everything you need to do for the entire week. Some people like to keep work lists, home lists, family lists…. all the lists separate. That’s a lot of lists. I don’t do that, but I do keep them organized so that I can pull evenly from them. I write down all of the family responsibilities first, then home/cleaning and then work goals.
The night before (so, for me, I start off on Sunday night) I get out my Master List and my planner and plan out my Monday (or whatever the next day is when you start this). I write down the things that I must do first. You know, those things that can’t/won’t wait a day such as a deadline an appointment etc. Do this ONE DAY AT A TIME. Plan Tuesday on Monday night, Wednesday on Tuesday night and so forth. In my planner I tend to keep work items at the top and then home/family items in the middle and bottom sections.
Throughout the day if I do something that wasn’t on my list I make sure to write it in my planner so that at the end of the day I can see how much I actually accomplished. Before this new way of planning/list-making I wouldn’t do that and it would appear like I only did one thing all day when in fact I did 3 or 4. When it’s not written down in front of you, how are you supposed to get that well-deserved feeling of success?
In most instances of my life I reject change and pride myself on being a creature of habit. But sometimes change is a good thing and I feel like this new way of making my lists has made me a more productive person which in turn has also made me a happier person.
One other way I keep myself and my mind healthy is by making sure my immunities are in check. How would I get my list checked off if I got sick? An easy way to boost immunity strength and fight fatigue is by enjoying Ricola Herbal Immunity every day – before you get sick. This throat drop uses the power of herbs, ginseng and vitamins B6, B12 and C to help you stay well and always be prepared to tackle anything the day throws at you.
Ricola Herbal Immunity is available in two varieties – Honey Herb Lozenges and Citrus Herb Lozenges. They will be available early September in CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid stores nationwide.
How do you keep focused and stay on track all day long?
*I’m sharing #SwissHerbs in my life as part of a #Ricola sponsored series for Socialstars™. All opinions remain honest and my own. For more info on Ricola visit them on Facebook & Twitter.
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