*I felt the magic of swiss herbs in Ricola® Herb & Throat drops as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #swissherbs – All opinions remain honest and my own.
I just returned from a trip to Las Vegas where I celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary. Contrary to what I initially thought I could not carry-on my luggage. I tried, you guys. Condensing, being sensible… those things were not happening. I needed too many “essentials” for my 5 day stay. Not being able to carry-on had me feeling all the levels of anxiety. While an airline has never lost my luggage the what-if’s were still swimming frantically around in my head movies. I decided I needed to pack a few essentials into a tote (aka my “personal item”) to lug onto the plane with me:
An outfit. Obviously a no-brainer. Luckily since this is Summer it’s nothing bulky that takes up space. An extra t-shirt and pair of shorts as well as an extra pair of under-thangs 😉 rolled up on the bottom to keep it out of the way. If you plan on swimming, put your bathing suit in that mix as well.
Makeup. Minimal, but it’s Last Vegas so red lips absolutely are involved and I won’t budge from that. Mini sizes of mascara, liner, lipstick, eyeshadow that can double as an eye primer and also looks good with the previously mentioned liner/mascara, brow pencil, powder that doubles as a foundation, cheek color that has an attached brush and can also be used as a light lip stain… What I’m saying is that these are your must have makeup items. Everything else, as devastating as the loss may be, is incidental.
Moisturizer. TBH I give zero cares about my skin care regime for one night. If the airline lost my luggage I have bigger problems. I can wash my face with soap until I can get myself to the drugstore (which, BTW do live in Vegas and they’re your best friend. Keep your eyes open, they blend in, but they’re totally every where). That being said, bring a small tube or travel jar of your moisturizer or cream. Your skin will get dry on the plane and it’s a need.
Throat Drops. Speaking of skin being dry on the plane I rarely hear about how dry your mouth and throat can get. Everyone says grab a water, which is always needed, but I also don’t like to use the bathroom on an airplane. While I know this isn’t true everyone watches you go in and they watch you go out. And they time you. Because of that I keep some Ricola® Revitalizing Herb & Throat drops handy because they provide a soothing relief to combat all of the moisture being sucked out of my throat while in the air. The Chrüterchraft in the has a top-secret blend of 10 natural herbs including peppermint which always seems to help me with nausea. Keeping these in my mouth also makes it so that I’m not eating my way through candy the entire 4 hour flight.
Gadgets. Keep your iPad and Kindle on the heavy charge but keep those chargers with you. That’s nothing you want to lose. Also my flight was delayed coming and going and I abused the airport wifi & electrical outlets like nobodies business. Also, crossword puzzles and Sudoku… in print form. Because I’m old school.
Regardless of delays Las Vegas was a blast and even though it was 112 degrees every single day we still ran around like goons in and out of every casino and shop. At the end of it all we’re definitely going back but probably only for 3 days rather than 5.
What are your best just-in-case ideas for packing? Any tips for me the next time I hit up Las Vegas?
*I felt the magic of swiss herbs in Ricola® Herb & Throat drops as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #swissherbs – All opinions remain honest and my own. For more info on Ricola visit them on Facebook & Twitter.
Awesome picks!
Stephanie Louise (@StephLouiseATB) recently posted..Urban Decay Naked Skin Weightless Complete Coverage Concealer Demo & Review
I wish I could have gone to vegas and seen you! 😀
Laura MyNewestAddiction recently posted..Becca Rose Gold Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Review
That would have been so much fun!!!
I’ve never been to Vegas, but want to go terribly! I also freak out if I have to check a bag, so I am super picky about what I pack and do everything I can to get everything in a carry on!
Jamie recently posted..Make A Back-To-School Lunch Your Kids Will Want To Eat
Oh man.. seeing your pictures makes me want to be IN VEGAS NOW! We love it there! And these are the perfect things to keep handy!
Kelley recently posted..Shania Twain Coming to Charlotte, NC THIS Sunday July 19th!!
I just got back from a trip and always have Ricola in my carry on! Someone always seems to get sick and we need em!
Lisa Heath recently posted..Transform Every Shower Into A Spa Experience PLUS a Giveaway
My carry-on is a lifesaver for me! I’ve never lost my luggage, but I always have my carry-on packed and ready in case I do. Dry-shampoo is a great one for a carry-on!
Ashley recently posted..Fresh Spinach Dip with Seasoned Pita Chips
I am also a minimal carry on person and your essentials are just right, IMO
NORAH recently posted..True Nature Botanicals Exfoliating Cleanser + Pacific Mist
You’re an awesome makeup artist and I feel like you know your travel so this has seriously made my day!! <3 <3
You really kept the basics. I’d do the same…. so what happened in vegas stayed in vegas, duh? lol
Kath TheFabZilla recently posted..Hey, I’m Bronde!
My cousin keeps telling me that but I think the next reunion is going to tell a different story for him 😉 LMAO
A well packed carry on is a life saver for long trips. Lozenges are imperative for me since I always get a dry throat on the plane!
Miranda | Slashed Beauty recently posted..Too Faced on Hautelook
I always make sure to have my essentials with me in my carry on.
Kendra recently posted..Wooden World Map for a Travel Themed Nursery
Great choices! That’s why I love sample sizes–perfect for travel!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted..New! Buxom Eyeshadow Bar!
I am definitely an over-packer! I usually take ginger Altoids with me when I fly to help with the ear popping and nausea, but peppermint would work, too. I am never without something for my throat when I fly – it’s so dry!
Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted..Bicycle Race
Fabulous picks! I love traveling with a facial mist, deo wipes, hand cream and a lip balm.
Anastasia recently posted..Two-Product FOTD
Great post! I have found some more great travel tips from these bloggers too.
I ALWAYS carry my makeup on my carry on!! I can’t risk it being lost somewhere!
Eugenia recently posted..Healthy Hair with Hair La Vie
I remember my trip to Vegas, it was 115degrees and on our 3rd day there I took a nap I was so tired and dehydrated hehe I was not prepared for that 🙂
Heather recently posted..New Becca Blush in Lantana Unboxing
I love seeing what you carry! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Phyrra recently posted..Beginner’s Guide to Indie Nail Polish
I’m probably a bit of an over-packer when it comes to carrying on-hand essentials for traveling, but I keep hand sanitizing wipes with me always, a mini first aid kit and a protein bar (along with a billion other things). So fun to see what other people bring along!
Doria recently posted..My Place by the Sea Rockport MA – Restaurant Review by Seamus
This is perfect! Heading out there shortly! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Makeup wipes are always a must!
Destany recently posted..Perfectly Posh Skindelicious Farmer’s Market
Personally, I can’t live without lip balm in my carry on!
Carleen recently posted..Giveaway! Win a Tria Age Defying Laser
A travel pack of makeup remover wipes and a tiny bottle of skin friendly oil are musts, for me. 😀
Love your photos.
Erika recently posted..Butter London Patent Shine 10X in Over the Moon and Bonus Nail Art!
Thank you!!!
From someone who has had her luggage lost a number of times, for me it’s most important to keep a change of underwear in my carry on bag, lol! Plus any meds I take and anything that could be stolen like jewelry, even costume
Allison recently posted..Xanadu 24K Gold Serum by ISA Professional
I wore on the more expensive items but packed costume. It’s true, though. Most people don’t know costume from expensive… and some costume IS expensive =\