This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias and its Advertiser. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone and should not be construed as medical advice. #24HourEsterC #CollectiveBias
With the new year comes my 6th year of being a blogger and my 3rd year of blogging as something more than a hobby. Every year I tell myself that this is going to be the year that I get it together. This will be the year that I’m as organized as I want to be (which is usually over what it actually needs to be)… this will be the year I don’t forget to do anything. I will be ahead of the game so that if anything unexpected pops up I’m covered.
Because lists help and I’m a sharing type of gal I’ve compiled a few general ideas that I feel are easy to remember and are just conventional enough that it will help everything else fall into place without too much extra effort.
First and foremost I refuse to have backlog. Impulse shopping is my biggest vice and I condone it by saying “Oh I can blog this so I need it”. No more. There is a very large basket of product that has been accumulating in my office over the last year… full of products I “needed” that I haven’t even touched because I haven’t had the time to take photos of them. This year I’m not buying it unless it’s a must-have. As soon as I get a product home, or receive one in the mail, it will be photographed. Over the past month of holiday festivities I did this and I was so much more productive. I think setting these limits will really help me through the new year.
Next I will be taking the time to focus on Immune Support. My immune system needs to be on-point at all times to maintain my work/life balance. At Walmart you can pick up the Vitamin C supplement Ester-C which supports your immune system for 24 hours. It’s non-acidic and gentler on your stomach than regular Vitamin C. Visit Ester-C on Facebook + Twitter for more info.
Most importantly it’s vital to be realistic. One person can’t do it all – there is a time and a place for everything. It’s easy to work all day when you work from home. Last year I told myself I would only be at the computer and working during the hours my kids were in school. It ended up I would sneak away after hours to check emails or take photos. Then the kids would go to bed and I’d be up late editing or writing. It’s not okay emotionally, physically or mentally to work that much and it takes it’s toll on every area of life. Making a schedule and sticking to it is imperative.
To sum is up: Death to Backlog – Set Limits – Take Supplements for Immune Support – Create a Schedule – Stick to it – BE REALISTIC!
What are your goals for the new year… blogging or otherwise?
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
I’ve never thought about supporting my immune system as a blog goal, but it totally is! If I’m not 100%, then everything else suffers – I’m definitely going to check Ester-C out! #client
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Bailey says
Great list! Backlog is currently strewn about all over my office (I’m trying to get it sorted… major emphasis on trying!) I’ve been all about a schedule this year too, and it’s been working well. It gets messy, as I find I keep having to alter it, but it’s really helped me utilize time better.
Erin says
I have to post at least 3 times a week, sometimes more though!
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Phyrra says
I’m still trying to work through my backlog, I can relate on the death to backlog!
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Jessica says
I think that’s a great idea about photographing it right away!
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Destany says
I need to start taking better care of my immune system too!
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Jessica says
I’m guilty of some of these and I love your realist goals and they are some I need to stick to this year also. I need to be reminded sometimes this is only a one gal show so I need to just keep one foot in front of the other.
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Brooke says
Exactly. One gal and no one to answer to but yourself. We have to stop being so hard on ourselves!
Lola says
Thank you for verbalizing what I think about often! The backlogging issue is a huge one, and my office is overflowing with purchases and press samples waiting to be photographed. Seeing things that I purchased that I “couldn’t live without” that have never been touched because I haven’t photographed them yet is stressful! I have really been making a concerted effort to only buy what I really truly want and know that I will use! #problemsofbeautybloggers
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Brooke says
So many of us probably go through these exact same things. We love beauty and NEED it all lol and of course want to share it with every one!
Allison says
Same here: lots of products I bought for review and still haven’t used or haven’t reviewed. No more.
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Krystal E says
I want to have at least a post a week – I would get so overwhelmed and either not post at all or post a ton really fast (like every 3 to 12 hours) and I need to hit the right balance.
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Brooke says
I did that too! I felt the need to do a post every 4 hours so I’d get an energy burst and bang out two days worth and schedule them. Then I’d be burnt out and want to relax… 2 days later no content. Meanwhile I’d have had a weeks worth if I’d have spaced them out =\ I hate looking back on that one. And I did it over and over again. It took forever to learn my lesson lol