With all of the hype over the L’Oreal Miss Manga Mascara I had to run out and purchase it. I’ve been wearing it off and on throughout the last couple of weeks and I’m still not sure if I like it or not (and that’s not just because the commercial scares me a bit).
The wand is tapered with random sized, sporadic bristles and that bendy, flexible wand we’ve been seeing a lot of lately in mascaras.
I feel that this mascara is okay. It lifted well but I didn’t think it was all that in terms of separating lashes or lengthening. It’s pretty awesome for false lashes, though. Also, it’s oddly perfect for getting all of those little lower lashes.
How are you feeling about this latest mascara from L’Oreal?
L’Oreal Miss Manga Mascara retails for approximately and is available at drugstores nationwide.
You kinda have to like the clumpy look for this mascara. I’ve been wearing it off & on for a month and I STILL don’t know if I like it!
Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted..Top 10 Beauty Time Savers and Double Duty Products!
Did this make your lashes look spidery? I’m interested but even in the ad’s the model’s lashes look clumpy. So many people seem to love it though, I’m confused!
I thought it was more clumpy than spidery. Everyone has different lashes (for the most part) so something that works for one just might not work for the other. Also, in ads companies tend to use fake eyelashes so you can’t really base your purchase on that, unfortunately. I’ve seen the majority give love to this one, but a few have said it hasn’t been that great. Milani Total Lash Cover is $6 and it’s my current fave! Revlon Bold Lacquer is good too!
I got this mascara because a bunch of people recommended it. I think it’s okay, but not as good as everyone makes it out to be. I really wanted to like it more. D= But it just doesn’t work that great for me.
Luna recently posted..Review: Influenster #TLCVoxBox
Me either, girl. I wanted to love it.
I don’t think it’s available in NZ… yet, but I love the packaging! It’s cute as ~ ^^ Is it suppose to give you that big Asian eyes effect?
Kay recently posted..MAC Coral Bliss Lipstick ♥ Review + Swatches
I believe so. The commercial is terrifying. The girl does this face near the end… I can’t even deal.