Let’s just keep it real. I want to look good. I want to be comfortable in my skin and stop feeling like complete crap. I want every single item of clothing that I love and try on to look fabulous on me. I want collarbones. Oh! Oh! And I want people to be all like, “WOW, girl, you look amazing, what is your secret and why can’t I be like you”.
What I don’t want. I don’t want my pants to be tight. I don’t want people to ask me if I’m pregnant and when the baby is due (I swear to you I’d punch someone if that went down, and I don’t think that there is a jury in the world would convict me of any form of assault). I don’t want people to think I peaked already and am not-so-gracefully falling into a pit of chocolate bon-bons and french fries (that pic below is me in my senior year of high school… also known as “The Golden Years” when it was considered cool to display those green garden balls and pose by them. Before you ask, yes I had the Jennifer Aniston haircut, affectionately referred to in the 90’s as “The Rachel”).
Most importantly, I don’t want to run into an ex at the store and have him think he “dodged a bullet” when we broke up. For this reason, I avoid exes in the store like the plague.. unless, of course, they look worse than I do… in which case I run right up and say hello (not really, but I totally would and maybe, just maybe I go out of my way to be sure I walk by them. You know you do this too.)
That being said, why didn’t you tell me it was June? This is now the time when I have to put away my wonderful bulky sweater and jeans combos that hide the fatness and bust out the t-shirts, tank tops and shorts that will mercilessly accentuate my gut (thank you, my children).
Bathing suit season has never (and I really mean never) been my fave. Regardless, I still like to amp up my daily fitness routine (which is nil in the Winter) and watch what I eat (and not just as it’s going into my mouth). Even if you only drop 5-10 pounds it helps with your health and is an amazing confidence booster.
Herein lies the problem – I’m a horrible eater. That is, when I actually remember to eat. I used to roll my eyes when people said that, but that mess is real talk. Other than coffee and lip gloss, nothing hits my lips until about 2pm when my stomach starts to yell and eat itself. At that point I’m ravenous and grabbing whatever is quickest and closest.
To re-ignite my way into a healthy noshing routine I’m doing Slim-Fast. It’s quick, simple and the perfect way for my mindless self to move on from excuses and jiggly body parts.
What say you? Time for YOU to keep it real with me. Tell me the REAL reasons you’ve had for losing weight. (Like, for example, deliberately running top speed into an ex)? Just leave a comment below. Entries will be pooled between participating blogs and two lucky winners will be picked at random to each win a $1,000 SpaFinder gift card!
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This sweepstakes runs from 6/13/13 – 6/30/13.
Be sure to visit the Slim-Fast brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
Don’t forget to check out Slim Fast on Facebook!
soha molina says
soha molina says
I wanted to look like my wedding pic again.
soha molina says
soha molina says
I am losing for health reasons.
Sarah L says
Sarah L says
I stay active by swimming 3 times a week and want to look good in my bathing suits.
Thanks for the contest.
thischickwins says
my reasons involve fitting into a wedding dress- not mine, but one i may get the chance to model in front of lots of people
Betty C says
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/351447169041055745
Betty C says
I just want to be more attractive. I see how extra weight appears on my acquaintances and it isn’t pretty.
Gianna says
I’ve never done that. I’m just losing baby weight right now after having my 7th last month.
Kerry says
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/351427385306005506
Kerry says
My reason is always about putting on a bathing suit – usually revolves around a vacation somewhere too.
Whitney says
Whitney says
My reason for losing weight have always been health related. I’ve always been very comfortable with my weight and who I am so I’ve never been on a ‘diet’ for anything other than doctor orders, or wanting to be healthier in general.
Christl says
I want to lose wait because: I am tired of putting on pants that are too tight. I am tired of people thinking I am soft and lazy because I am overweight. But most of all, I want to lose weight so i can live long enough to do the things i want to do.
Love your post- appreciate your honesty!
Christl says
Tweet: https://twitter.com/christl_tate/status/351323109946691585
misses g says
My real reason is so I look good in a bathing suit.
Stephanie Larison says
I’d love to be able to be confident enough to go out swimming with the family. There’s a Great Wolf Lodge nearby and my daughter has been wanting to go. *sigh* I have so much weight to lose it looks like weight loss surgery is the answer for me. However, maybe it’s not..I’ve got two family members that have botched surgeries and horrible effects from it all. I wish I was one of those naturally skinny people.
Lisa says
I just want to get my body in shape and eat better so I am not so bloated!
Lisa recently posted..Bon Appetit Review
LAMusing says
tweeted – https://twitter.com/LAMusing/status/351123697530187777
LAMusing says
I was Maid of Honor for a friends wedding and wanted her wedding party pics to look good 🙂
cassandra mccann says
I wanted to impress a real loser, not worth it
cassandra mccann recently posted..ACRE book tour and information
angie lilly says
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/350977476605902850
angie lilly recently posted..Kismet: The Sun Worshipper
angie lilly says
I have lost weight to make my mother happy, to impress others, to make money, etc. All were stupid and all ended with me gaining it all back plus tons more. The only way and reason to lose weight is for your own self love.
angie lilly recently posted..Kismet: The Sun Worshipper
HilLesha says
I want to lose weight and get fit for MY HEALTH. I also want to maintain a normal energy level to keep up with my 2 active kids. 🙂
HilLesha recently posted..30% off Popular Picks for Kids at Serena & Lily
Tamar says
The real reason right now is to feel and look good. The real real reason is to honor the memory of my friend who died the week he was going to mentor me to live a healthier life.
Kelly D says
Kelly D says
The real reasons I had for losing weight is to look good if I run into old friends, to weigh as much as I did when I got married, and just to be healthy and have energy for my kids.
Stephanie v. says
craziest reason is knowing I was going to see an old boyfriend at a friend’s wedding and the look on his face said it all! Gained 10 pounds after that but . . .
tvollowitz at aol dot com
shannon Baas says
for my health.
Kate F. says
I’ve wanted to lose weight to look better and be more comfortable around my thinner friends.
Erica Best says
i tweeted https://twitter.com/purplelover04/status/350275804271353859
Erica Best says
so i can feel beautiful for the first time in my life
sandra says
to be the woman my husband fell in love with
Amy Tong says
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Amy Tong recently posted..How to Make Azuki (Red Bean) Paste (自家製紅豆沙餡料)
Amy Tong says
My real reason to lose weight? To look “normal” and not pregnant when I am not having a baby any time soon. Yeah my 3-year old Niece just asked me if I have a baby in my tummy…..and I really don’t. 😛
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Rebecca Graham says
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/rhoneygee/status/349434653788221440
Rebecca Graham says
For health reasons and to fit into nicer clothes.
Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist says
My reason? Because I ain’t getting any younger and it’s not going to get any easier!
Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist says
Tweeted it! https://twitter.com/LeHobbylobbyist/status/349294763922563072
Wehaf says
A few years ago, on a family vacation, I realized I looked worse in my bikini than my sister-in-law, who had given birth just the month before. Ouch.
Kristina Vieweg says
Here is my tweet entry link…thanks again!
Kristina Vieweg says
I have a lot of the same reasons as you…yes I want people to ask me my “secrets” I think I am a pretty girl, but don’t feel as confident because of my lingering tummy bulge! And I’m with you on the coffee breakfast, I do the same thing!! Thank you and good luck with your body improvements too. 🙂
Kit Novak says
My reasons are very similar to yours. Three daughters have ruined my “golden years” figure and the huge shorts purchased to chaperone a field trip two years ago (when I already thought I needed to lose weight) will not button this year. Camel toe makes me weep quietly into my jelly doughnut stained paper towel.
Kit Novak recently posted..Etsy Pick Of The Week: Rainwater Botanicals
Mackenzie Evans says
I want to be looked at as one of the hot moms! https://twitter.com/macknshorty/status/348930264229105665
Holly Wert says
i tweeted https://twitter.com/holly_gardens/status/348517996345581571 pry.school.1@gmail.com
Holly Wert says
hoping it will motivate my hubby to lose weight too…
Elena says
It’s summer time, and I want to loose weight to look good in bikini again.
Janine McNally says
Janine McNally says
I’m turning 50 this year and I really want to stay in shape!
Janine McNally says
Janine McNally says
I want to watch my weight because I am turning 50 this year, and I don’t want to degenerate as I get older.
Hannah M. says
My tweet! https://twitter.com/HannahMcNally6/status/347170713788112896
Hannah M. says
I’m going to be starting PA school in the fall and I want to be a healthy example to my patients!!!
Andrea Darst says
I have literally gained 60 lbs in 12 years…and have never been pregnant as an excuse! I have chronic lower back problems that require me to take medication, and the medication “stops me up” (you know what I mean), so as a result, I keep gaining weight. I’d love to be healthier…not necessarily be skinnier, but healthier.
Kim B says
Of course I want to look good, who doesn’t right? But the real reason I have for losing weight is my son. I want my baby (not quite a year old) to grow up with parents who are a living example of how to live a healthy lifestyle. I want my son to be proud of me!
Devon says
Alright, I know I’m post-baby-#3, but I’m at the point where I looked pretty good after the first baby and have SO much more going on than I want that I can’t take it. And the hubby gained a bit during this last pregnancy, too, so we used a weight-loss challenge from my cousin’s wife as an excuse to get into gear. The problem? We’re 9 weeks into a 12 week challenge, both hit a plateau, and don’t give a crap anymore. I mean, really, who do I have to pay attention to me on the beach BESIDES my husband? But I know if I don’t keep up with it, I’m going to be really ticked when I see the resulting pictures. So two things keep me motivated: 1) I used to get a lot of looks as I walked by a group of guys a dozen or so years ago; now, not so much…I miss that and 2) my gorgeous little girl has my body; I do NOT want to give her the complex or the issues I have had most of my life, so I’m trying to be a good role model. That, and if there’s a zombie apocalypse, I’d like to at least give it a good effort getting away before I’m eaten.
Lisa B. says
I found that my jeans from last year didn’t fit (way too tight) and I can’t afford to buy more than a couple new pairs. A couple of friends of mine have been trying to lose weight recently, so I used “helping” them as an excuse to start exercising myself.
Also…complete honesty? I just want to feel more attractive; for myself, for my SO…and maybe to get an admiring glance or two from a random guy on the street. I’ve been with my SO for over 5 years, and have no plans to change that, but I guess I want to feel like he’s not the only one who finds me attractive. :-p
Lisa B. says
Tweet! https://twitter.com/ladyisla123/status/345550882005467138
Emily says
Could have wrote this myself and use the other half of that picture, LOL.
Brooke says
LMFAO Emily! You should write one!
Cathy M. says
Girl, I totally feel you. I never, EVER want anyone to think of me “oh, she’s on the downward slope since high school.” I’ve been hitting the gym and trying to eat better the last few months to get back to where I was because there’s no reason that getting older means I should be getting heavier. Also, tbqh, I’m planning on getting married at some point and I want to look back at my wedding pics as an old lady and be like DANG GIRL, haha. I want to be like the old lady in Titanic when everyone saw the drawing of her and she was just like, WHAT YOU DIDN’T THINK I WAS A HOTTIE ONCE? So yeah, totally fighting my urges to eat horribly (and trying to gracefully accept the small battles I lose along the way).
Cathy M. says
Also, my twitter post: