I absolutely have to share with you this fantastic new beauty tool on Prevention.com: “How Will You Look In 10 Years?”
The new online feature shows you how your current lifestyle and beauty habits are shaping your appearance for the next decade. It also gives you a few easy tips and tweaks on how to slow the aging process down.
Here’s how to use the Prevention beauty tool:
1. Visit this link: https://www.prevention.com/beautytool
2. Upload your photo
3. Take a quiz about your lifestyle
4. See how you will look in 10 years if you continue with the same habits
5. Find out how to slow your aging with lifestyle tips and tweaks
Here is my before the quiz pic:
Here is my after the quiz pic of how I’ll look in 10 years *hides my face* sooooo many wrinkles omg… stress be gone, pleaseeeeee:
Additionally, the tool lets you try out new makeup and hair styles, cuts and color—a perfect way to test out a new look before you hit the salon! Here is me with an awesome new cut and color 😉
Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this app and it was really cool to see how I may look in 10 years. Though, I do hope I can stave off those forehead wrinkles… GAH!
How did yours turn out?
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