MAC Reel Sexy
RSVP now for a private screening starring an iconic model as big as anyone who’s ever graced the screen: Kristen McMenamy, photographed and filmed by Miles Aldridge. What is she watching as she laughs, cries and sits mesmerized in a surreal cinema where popcorn is pink, fingernails fierce and the wardrobe minimal? Obviously, it’s REEL SEXY. Miss McMenamy’s bright, bold and brilliant look features a colour collection of enigmatic Eye Shadow Duos, Vivid Lipstick, Creamsheen Glass, Eye Kohl, Powder Blush, Lighscapade Mineralize Skinfinish, Nail Lacquer and Zoom Lash.
ZOOM LASH MASCARA – $15.00 U.S./$18.00 CDN
Zoomblack Rich black
EYE KOHL – $15.00 U.S./$18.00 CDN
Heirloom A highly metallicized greyed lavender
Hyacinth Dirtied mid-tone blue
Resort Deep amethyst plum
Smolder Intense black
NAIL LACQUER – $15.00 U.S./$18.00 CDN
Vivid Effect Vivid orange coral (creme)
In the Dark…Purple Vivid violet (creme)
Screening Room Bright mid-tone teal (creme)
LIPSTICK – $14.50 U.S./$17.50 CDN
Reel Sexy Light bright coral (amplified)
Watch Me Simmer Bight pink-orange (amplified)
Pink Popcorn Lavender (lustre)
Heroine Bright violet/purple (matte)
CREMESHEEN GLASS – $19.00 U.S./$22.50 CDN
Private Screening Mid-tone peach
Cinestyle Mid-tone blue grey violet
Star Quality Bright orange coral
Colour Saturation Dark cool wine
PRO PALETTE EYE SHADOW X2 – $27.50 U.S./$33.00 CDN
Dynamic Duo 1 Coral with yellow pearl (veluxe pearl) and Clean purple (matte)
Dynamic Duo 2 Violet duochrome with pearl (frost) and Clean violet (matte)
Dynamic Duo 3 Dirty-toned purple (veluxe pearl) and Teal blue (matte)
Dynamic Duo 4 Mid-tone pink (satin) and Blackened violet (matte)
POWDER BLUSH – $20.00 U.S./$24.00 CDN
Pink Cult Mid-tone dirty neutral pink (matte)
Magenta Bright magenta (matte)
Lightscapade Soft candlelit beige with multi-dimensional shimmer
North America April 5, 2012, International May 2012
at all M·A·C locations, 1.800.588.0070 and
Ah, it’s nice to see they’re already bringing Watch Me Simmer back out again! I know it sold out really fast and a lot of people must have been sad. Now there’s a second chance!