Hey, everyone!
Something new I’m going to start doing is a top 5 blog post round up. Every Sunday I will run down and feature the top 5 blog posts of that week. It’ll be a chance to look back on the posts that got the most views for that particular week.
The post that got the most hits this week – our numero uno – which is no surprise, was the 500 Follower Giveaway! Winners Sammi and Damla are going to be having some haul fun SOON!
Coming in second, NYX Sale Fail. Which is also no surprise… This affected more people than I think NYX anticipated. And it’s a shame it wasn’t handled better =(
Third we have the Too Faced Eye Love Eyeshadow Palette! This is a great perk offered by Sephora, one of the best I’ve ever seen, if you have 500 points in your beauty bank it’s time to use em up!
Our fourth place post of the week is the Chanel Bronze Corail Soleil Tan de Chanel Bronzing Powder. This is my favorite cheek product EVER. I took FOTD pics before I went out last night and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Rounding out the top five is the MAC Prep + Prime Beauty Balm SPF 35 Product Information. This looks to be a GREAT product that MAC is releasing. It’s A LOT cheaper than a similar product by Dior that I use now, so hopefully I’ll like it just as much 😉
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and I look forward to sharing some awesome posts with you in this coming week, which will include MAC Surf Baby (once it goes live on the site and I can order it, it ships to me quickly because I live close by, so look for it by Thursday at the latest!), FOTD looks, Living Proof Straight review, Reviva Labs Makeup Primer review, OPI, Deborah Lippman… and so much more!
***I’d like to apologize for my lame graphic… I threw it together on paint. LOL Maybe for an extra entry in the 1000 follower giveaway we can have graphics submissions lol
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