I’m a self proclaimed liner junkie. I love different eye liners and lip liners… though I rarely USE a lipliner lol
From the recent MAC Quite Cute collection, which launched on April 7, 2011, I grabbed all three – In Synch, Boldly Bare, and Naked Liner Lip Pencil’s. I owned Naked Liner from the previous launch of Too Fabulous (remember the cremesheens?) but for some reason the other two escaped me during that time. Crafty lil’ liners!
(top to bottom – In Synch, Boldly Bare, Naked Liner)
* In Synch is described on maccosmetics.com as a bright yellow pink. It has a peachy pink hue to it, I wouldn’t call it just straight up pink. I think this one is versitile enough to use with a pink lippie or a peach lippie.
* Boldly Bare is described on the maccosmetics.com as a dirty red brown. I’d say this is accurate. To me, that basically means a brick color, but it’s a bit more of a DUSTY brick… rather than “dirty”.
* Naked Liner is described on maccosmetics.com as a light neutral. Totally accurate. If you have pigmented lips this one is amazing to smooth out your natural color and achieve that nice nude shade.
I’m a fan of MAC’s lip pencils. My fav is Subculture and I always have one on hand. It goes with EVERYthing. They do tug a bit, but the pigment is great and I haven’t found any other brands lip liners that I like as much. The liners were super easy to swatch and are really easy to smudge out on the lip, but they stay on rather well (unless you’re eating or drinking a ton).
MAC Quite Cute Lip Pencil’s retail for $13 each and are NOT marked on the site as Limited Edition. They are all available on maccosmetics.com.
[…] Lip Pencils released with this collection – Nightmoth, In Synch, and today’s post of Embrace Me and Entertain […]