Remember this post?
Well Miss Lydia has come in Second Place!! She received an awesome goody bag FULL of some of the cutest stuff I’ve ever seen. For her win she received 2 dresses, a pair of boots, barrettes, a pair of pink leggings and an Alice In Wonderland shirt.
Mister Owen also got a lil somethin somethin… JIGGIES and a matchbox car! Two of his favorite things! (If you couldn’t tell from the photo lol)
Emily over at Wife Check, Mom Check, Now What is and always has been the queen of deals. She gets the most amazing and cutest things for a fraction of the cost. Just recently I came to her for help on how to spend my Gymboree Gymbucks and boy did she come through! WHEW! Second place prize in her contest was $15 in goods, and look at everything Lydia received!! No WAY could I do that!
A huge thank you to everyone who voted!!!!
Oh…. oh wait… did I forget something? I seem to remember saying if Lydia won I’d have a Giveaway of my own 😉 Stay tuned 😉
Natalie says
Congrats!! I never win anything – how do you do it? LOL 🙂