Hey peoples! Happy Halloween! I know it’s tomorrow, but weekends get hectic so I wanted to post this while I had some time.
Jeff and I rarely ever go out, let alone go to a Halloween party. But this year our neighbors and longtime friends were having one and were enforcing dress code. We dug out the ol’ costume box and managed to unearth something presentable. I just went as (as the bag says) a “Divine Witch” and Jeff went as a “Ho Nun”. I can’t even post pics of his without rating this post with a triple X. Clearly he’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal but that’s why I married him!
Anyway, I picked the costume I did because I really wanted to vamp up my makeup. I’m usually extremely neutral but JUMP at the chance to bust out my trusty red lipstick.
Here are the results:
The host Tanya (left) and I (right) towards the end of the night
Here are a few looks I did of just when my eyes were done and then my full out face look:
The lips are red enriched cremestick liner with Cockney lipstick (both MAC)
The eyes are Urban Decay Vorpal (silver from AIW BOS), UD Perversion (BOS III), and UD Zero liner. Not gonna lie, I put it right over my makeup from that morning that I posted previously lol I contoured my cheeks with MAC Darkly My Dear blush (SO excited to use that one without having to be careful).
What did you do for Halloween? Did you stay in a cuddle with a scary movie or party it up?? Costume? I wanna hear ALL about it!!!
PS ~ What was your Halloween mani? I didn’t have time for anything fun, but I used China Glaze Ick-A-Bod-Y for something seasonal 😉
PPS ~ I put that MAC liner all over my lips and it SURE DID stay on ALL night of me dancing and eating and drinking!!! YAY!
Hawt!!! Goes so well with the costume!!
You did a wonderful job on your eyes and I think you wear red lipstick very well! Love the look! 5 stars !